Rates & Prices

Some rates are determined by the size of the lawn; mowing, fertilizing, etc. So we would need to measure the lawn size with an on-line measuring tool we use.

As you would expect, lawn size will determine the exact rate for several services, such as; mowing, fertilizing, aerating, power raking, etc. Some services are set rates, some are by the hour, and some are determined by the amount of product that may be needed.

  • Landscaping: “From Dirt to Done” we subcontract landscaping project to former landscape manager, Marco Federico
  • Mowing:***see below for special mowing.
    • Weekly; Rates start at $40, except for homes that have a small front yard only. Rate is determined on size, and any difficulties (hills, extra trimming needed, etc)
    • Bi-Weekly; Rates are generally 1.5 times the weekly rate. However, we do not go with bi-weekly mowing if you have an active sprinkler system.
    • Field / Prairie Grass Mowing; Determined by the size of the area.
    • Vacation Mowing: We are happy to mow your lawn while you are on vacation as long as you have kept it mowed until then. If not, see One-Time.
    • ***One-Time Mowing or First time mowing after May 1st: $150/hr due to they tend to be very long and has a lot of grass to bag and dispose of. If it isn’t long, it won’t take long and would simply end up being aproximately the normal rate.
  • Fertilizing–100% Organic: Starting at $85 per application, rates are determined by lawn size.
  • Revive: $65 and up
  • Aerating: $60 and up.
  • Power Raking: $150 and up.
  • Over-Seeding: $75 and up for covering the whole lawn. Performed only with aerating or if ground is bare
  • Cleanups—-Spring & Fall : We charge by the number of crew members working on the job. $125/hr for crew chief, $75/hr for each crew member. There will be a half hour minimum. Rates include the fees for disposal, we only charge for the time we are on-site, no trip charges. These are the same rates for the last 2 years
    • Fall **It is difficult to really give an accurate estimate, but most Fall Cleanups take 1 to 3 hours with 4 people each time we do it and we do fall cleanups 2 or 3 times to gather the leaves as they fall—if we waited until they all fall, we would never get done before the snows come.
    • Spring Cleanups, on average, take 2-4 hours and can take up to 5-6 hours or more for the bigger properties that have many shrubs/ornamental grasses to trim/cut down in the spring. Spring cleanups take longer due to the removal of dead material and the trimming of shrubs and Ornamental Grasses…
  • Gutter Cleaning: $150 when cleaning leaves, $250 as a separate service. We don’t do upper stories requiring long ladders because of safety and insurance.
  • Weed Pulling in Rock/Mulch areas: Weed control in non-lawn areas are generally pulled and the small ones sprayed. We come out ever 3 weeks to keep up with them and have a per visit rate of $45 for the first half hour, $60/hr thereafter.
  • Mowing + Weed Pulling: in rock and mulch areas when mowing occurs: Added rate depends on the area to cover. 
  • Sprinkler System Maintenance and Repair Rates: 
    • Sprinkler System Startup: $90 plus $5 per zone. The Startup Service includes; Spray adjustments, timer setting, checking for leaks or broken parts. Minor repairs are included — for example; replace a broken sprinkler or nozzle, etc (parts are extra). For major repairs, see below. Also, for major repairs a return visit may be necessary.
    • Sprinkler Repairs: $90 for the 1st half hour, $150/hr thereafter. Parts not included. The initial half hour rate is the same, but the additional hourly rate has changed to keep up with competitors’ rates and the cost of labor. 
    • Sprinkler Winterizing: $90 plus $5 per zone.
    • Rain Sensor: $90 and up for wired sensors, $120 and up for wireless.
    • Backflow Repair: $275 if the system was not drained properly, or the main shutoff valve is bad, we can repair the backflow and may not have to replace it.
    • Backflow Replacement: Ranges from $550 to $800 depending on the type and size of backflow required.
    • Sprinkler System Installs: 
  • ***Compare our rates to one of our competitors? Check out this link, https://www.sprinklerdoctor.org/pricing/
  • Pooper Scooping: Reduced rate for when we mow at the same time.
    • NOTE: First visit or first visit after several weeks of not servicing, the cost is $90/hr/person. Some special situations (large property) may incur an additional per visit charge in order to walk the whole area.
    • Weekly
      • 1-2 dogs; $25 per visit or $20 during mowing season.
      • 3-4 dogs; $35 per visit or $25 when mowing.
      • 5+ dogs: $45 per visit
    • Bi-Weekly
      • 1-2 dogs; $35 per visit or $25 when mowing.
      • 3-4 dogs; $45 per visit or $35 when mowing.
      • 5+ dogs: not an option
  • Beach Grooming: $45 up to 2000 square ft., $55 up to 3000 sq ft., $65 over 3000 sq ft.
  • Leaf Raking: see Cleanups above
  • Christmas Lighting: **Includes removal of the lights in January**. We can use your lights or we have a supply of our own to lease. If we use our own lights, we will store the lights, clips, extension cords, timers, etc we use on your house in a separate container for the following year at no extra charge. Call or email for a free estimate.
  • Snow Removal:
    • Shoveling:
      • Normal ‘Base’ Rate; $60 – $150 for shoveling each normal snowfall up to 3″…price is dependent on size of driveway and/or sidewalk areas to clear. Some customers want this service after only a minor amount if the weather is cold….We do all of our customers with north facing houses even if it is 1/2″ or so because it will end up icing up if it is not cleared causing ‘spalling’ of the concrete. Some only want it if it is 2″ or more. We start after 3-4″ has fallen if more snowfall is predicted. ***We could come out 2 or 3 times on a particular big snowfall event.
        • Excess snowfall rates when a large storm comes in quickly and deep snow needs to be shoveled at once:
          • Normal, base rate, snowfall up to 3″, no extra charge
          • 4″-6″, 1.5 times the base rate
          • 7-9″, 2 times the base rate
          • 10-12″, 2.5 times the base rate
          • 13-15″, 3 times the base rate
          • 16-18″, 3.5 times the base rate
          • 19-21″, 4 times the base rate
          • over 21″+,  5.5 times the normal rate
        • Ice melt is included in base rate.
      • Hourly Rates; For some customers with very large areas to cover, the rate is $75/hr for each shoveler.
    • Commercial Shoveling: $75/hr per person or Base Rate
    • Plowing: $100 for the 1st half hour, then $150 per hour, half hour minimum, half hour increments. There is no excess snowfall rate charge, hourly only
    • Ice Slicer for parking lots/drives: $.85 per pound